Matches for: “Habets” …

How an Evangelical Calvinist Preaches the Gospel

**The following is my first post that I ever posted on Evangelical Calvinism, this got it all started for me. Here’s how an Evangelical Calvinist preaches the Gospel: God loves you so utterly and completely that he has given himself for you in Jesus Christ his beloved Son, and has thereby pledged his very being … Continue reading

A Rough Draft Snippet of My Chapter

The following is an excerpt from the chapter I am working on for the book. This is still rough, which is why I’m putting it up here; as you’ll notice I need to provide some more quotes and explanation on the “analogy of being,” which is what I’ll be working on the rest of this … Continue reading

Torrance, The classic 'Personalist' Reformed Theologian: Active & Passive

Here Myk Habets comments on Thomas Torrance’s Reformed thinking on Christ’s so called Active & Passive Obedience. Obviously, some folk aren’t altogether convinced that Torrance’s thinking on salvation, in general; and these “Reformed” components, in particular, measure up to muster: Torrance has been accused of reducing soteriology to christology by collapsing the passive obedience of … Continue reading

PhD Sponsorship?

I have been accepted to a PhD program in systematic theology at South African Theological Seminary, as some of you know. I’ve been waiting until we were closer to being done with the book project before I began to pursue that; we’ll we’re close to being done with the book project (just a wee bit … Continue reading

Why Calvinist, Evangelical Calvinist?

Why Calvinism? I thought I would, briefly, share my road to self-identifying as an Evangelical Calvinist; my personal salvation history. I was born into a Conservative Baptist pastor’s home (not only was my dad a pastor, but a gifted Evangelist). I was exposed to the Gospel in the womb. By time I was 3 years … Continue reading

Mine & Myk’s Book

Update 3: The book is slated to be released in June 2012 some time. Stay tuned for further updates. Update 2: The book was just sent to the publishers on July 12th, 2011. I’ll let you all know when it is due out once I get that information. Update: The book is about to be … Continue reading

Order of Creation, In Christ

Here Myk Habets provides a summarizing statement of how Thomas Torrance’s doctrine of Theosis works in regards to his thoughts on creation and anthropology: In terms of creation and anthropology specifically, theosis provides Torrance with a way of describing the reality of human participation in God through transformation into the image/likeness of the incarnate Son, … Continue reading

Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance

I just finished our very own Myk Habet’s recently released book: Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance (his PhD dissertation out of U. Otago, NZ). I would encourage anyone interested in the theology of TFT (and if you’re reading here, then you probably are) to read this book! My copy is actually a review … Continue reading